Panchayat Presidents in Kozhikode District

Here is the details of Local Body Presidents / Panchayat Presidents in Kozhikode District. Panchayat President Election in Kerala was on 19th November 2015. Details Presidents in each Panchayats in Kozhikode District are available here. There are 12 block Panchayats and 70 Grama Panchayats in Kozhikode District.

Kozhikode District Panchayat President is Babu Parassery (LDF).

Result of Block Panchayat President Election 2015

There are 12 block Panchayats in Kozhikode District. LDF Had won in 8 block Panchayats and UDF had won in 4 bloacks. Details of Block Panchayat Presidents are here as follows

Result of Grama Panchayat Presidents Election 2015

There are 70 Grama Panchayats / Local Bodies in Kozhikode District. LDF Had won in 41 Grama Panchayats, UDF had won in 21 local bodies, RMP - 1, still waiting for results - 7. Details of Panchayat Presidents in Kozhikode district are here as follows